Company introduction

Youyizhantech is a global distributor of electronic components. We supply electronic components to our global customers from all over the world, and our components have been sold to distinguished global electronic corporations in different countries. Whether it's a prototype, obsolete, hard to find and long lead time components.

We can supply any broad related electronic component,active,passive,semiconductors and any electromechanical parts,and we are specializing in telecommunications,medical, automotive, and industrial fields. 


Youyizhantech has a large number of inventory with new and original components only, and owns over 5 million electronic components in stock. We provide a wide range of electronic component brands that includes 70,000 different part numbers.

These are the advantages of our products: 

1.Original components with large amount of inventory

2.Outstanding quality with proper price

3.Accept small quantities of orders 

Company introduction

Youyizhantech is a global distributor of electronic components. We supply electronic components to our global customers from all over the world, and our components have been sold to distinguished global electronic corporations in different countries. Whether it's a prototype, obsolete, hard to find and long lead time components.

We can supply any broad related electronic component,active,passive,semiconductors and any electromechanical parts,and we are specializing in telecommunications,medical, automotive, and industrial fields. 


Youyizhantech has a large number of inventory with new and original components only, and owns over 5 million electronic components in stock. We provide a wide range of electronic component brands that includes 70,000 different part numbers.

These are the advantages of our products: 

1.Original components with large amount of inventory

2.Outstanding quality with proper price

3.Accept small quantities of orders 

